Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Open Letter to my Mentor

First of all, you have the patience of a saint. I do not know how you kept your cool and did not slap me upside the head repeatedly. Secondly, for all those times I asked the same questions, I now understand. Third, for all the times I pushed back and stated my own case, I am deeply and whole heartedly sorry. Fourth, how did you always seem to know just what I was thinking? (And how do you bottle and sell that?) Fifth, yes I need one. A fifth of PATRONE! <
Sixth, your knowledge astounds me. Seventh, thank you for believing in me. Eighth Didn't you get tired of hearing your name called out? (how do you overcome that?) Ninth, give me the name of your ophthamologist. My eyes are spinning. And number ten THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
My second full day of mentoring the new hires has prompted me to write this. This new class is awesome, they ask great questions, and they remind me of how to fulfill my own day and manage my plate. I am very proud of all of them. I feel very important, and useful to the company. Not that I did not before, but now - it's just tangible. It's a great feeling of both exhaustion and euphoria all at the same time.
I have miles to go before I sleep and promises to keep.
God Bless my mentor.


Blogger DragonMaMa said...

Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE you?!?

This made my week.


And like I've always said- "It's all YOU baby!"

---'< Patrone! (a little of that doesn't hurt either!)

11:20 PM

Blogger DragonMaMa said...

Another comment-in a way it's kind of funny to read this, because it sounds like a Hallmark card to a Mom from her "new" Mom (when her kids have become teenagers).

You make ME PROUD. Thank you for all YOU do.

11:23 PM


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