Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Friday, July 22, 2005

I feel weird today. I don't know what it is. Like there's a storm coming. I feel all out of sorts, really tired, though I slept well. You know when you look to the horizon and see dark gray storm clouds gathering ? And you think, "looks like it's going to rain." Now I must confess that I love thunderstorms. I love the awesome power of Mother Nature flexing her muscles and reminding us that we are but mere specks compared to her. The feeling when the dark black clouds stack up and roll over one another and the wind picks up is an amazing thing. But this is a gut feeling. One that my emotions are ruling the clouds in my mind. Normally said clouds are fluffy cummulus clouds. This feels different. I don't have these feelings that often, and for this I am grateful. I tend to have a sunny disposition most of the time, or at least I try to. Being blessed with an Irish mother with a full head of red hair is most often a good thing, but damned if I don't also have her temper. Mixed with my dad, who is much more even keel in terms of temperament.
Something is coming. I can feel it. Jesus, I sound like a sidewalk psychic. However, unlike the Psychic Friends Hotline, I don't know if it's work, home, relationship, or my family. I do know that I have been burning the candle at both ends of late, and maybe it's nothing more than stress playing a fun game of catch up with me. Just remember if something big happens, and you're reading this blog that you heard it here first.


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