charlie's chocolates
Went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night. Take my advice - Do.Not.Go. What a wretched movie. Johnny Depp was full on weird - trying too hard to be Jim Carrey as Fire Marshall Bill. Creepy Oompa Loompas, who did not sing their songs and were all computer generated, there was just one guy who was miniaturized. The children were all just odd. Helena Bonham Carter as the mother - weird as hell. Bad movie. There were like 5 chuckle moments in the whole thing. Give me the original with Gene Wilder any day. Very disturbing for children, in my opinion. Thumbs WAY down. Even Rob agreed, and he likes pretty much any movie, even silly ones. The only way that movie might be tolerable is if you were under the effects of some mind altering agent. Not that I would EVER know what that was like. :)
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