Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Friday, July 22, 2005


so I get a phone call, just as I am logging in at work to begin my day. It's the boyfriend. Who tells me that "your boyfriend is a klutz". Uh-oh, I think to myself. What fresh hell is this? "Well Java (the family's 9 pound Chihuahua) left a toy on the stairs which I didn't see and I ended up smashing my arm against the wall pretty hard. " I of course ask if he is OK, which is my job. I ask if he's gone to have it checked. Of course he hasn't Then a big sigh "So I am here at work moving tires one by one, (he's a tire salesman for NTB which he doesn't really like) and you're going to have to tend to a sick boyfriend tonight. " Joy and Rapture. I ask if there's someone there who can help him move tires. "Oh no, I wouldn't ask that of any of the guys here." Of course not.


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