Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Monday, July 25, 2005

another weekend behind me

Well it's Monday evening. My weekend is officially over. But what a fun weekend it was. After working Saturday, Rob picked me up and off we went to Sharrie's for an impromptu party with Special K, BBOT, and Carson also in attendance. Fun and frivolity were definitely the order of the day... and we did not disappoint. Much comic relief came from Sharrie's older daughter, Trinity, who is 4. What a riot. When asked where she thought the plane flying overhead was going, she said "to the airport". Well of course. All planes go to the airport. She is like an 80 year old woman. Her favorite line, is, of course, "I wish a I had..." followed by whatever it is she wants, instead of just asking for it. For example - as we're all drinking fabulous libations, she sighs deeply and says to me, "I wish I had a special drink." Too funny. BBOT (Otherwise known as Sarah) went on to ask Trinity where she thought the plane might be coming from, like for example Disneyland. Her retort was "I don't know I've got BOOZE here." Sarah nearly fell out of the hammock laughing.
I was trying to teach Trin the old game of Miss Mary Mack, or Oh Jolly Playmate" where you clap your hands and then the person across from you. She thought this game was great fun, but couldn't quite master slapping opposite hands. So she invented her own game, called of course, "Ace High Moose" where she made up a song as we clapped and slapped hands "Ace High Moose/is lots of fun/when you say moose/and I can clap/and then we play/Ace High Moose." Say it a couple of times, it's like crack.
The evening progressed on (with random Ace High Moose moments) until the subject turned, of course, to sex. In Rob's words..."OK so now I know WAY more about your co workers than I ever thought I would." I second that emotion. For privacy reasons, and because most of them read this blog, I will not disclose who prefers which shaving preference, who would sleep with Angelina Jolie, who named an upper manager "Golum", and who had "just one headlight turned on and the other one off". The last observation came from Rob, at 1AM, and was not directed towards me, the girlfriend. I did learn that Rob cannot say the word "fuselage" when intoxicated.
Rob and I stayed over, which was great fun, especially when both Shar's dogs slept on top of me (on the FIRM end of the couch) underneath a Hello Kitty comforter. When I woke up at some ungodly hour, and turned, stretching my arm in back of me (I was butt side facing out to accommodate the pooches), I was handed a bottle, by the 2 year old, Sheridyn, who had been standing there for God knows how long awaiting movement from an adult. No such luck with Rob who was stretched out snoring happily away. So I got the chance to "play mommy" for a little while which was actually quite fun for me. I must confess that I am indebted to Sharrie for entrusting her children to me for that brief time... it felt good, even with a pounding headache. Which reminds me I owe her some Tylenol. :) Trinity made another great comment, when I told her that I needed the Tylenol, she looked at me completely straight faced and asked if it was "because of the booze." Some time in the sun playing with sprinklers followed that. Very fun.
After a treat of donuts, and looking at wedding photos, we left and went to Rob's for a brief time, got changed, and headed out to Nahant Beach and recharged ourselves. Then it was off to the nursing home, for my grandfather's birthday. After a brief visit, and Pepperridge Farm cake, we went to Cindys to get pool directions (they are leaving to CA for 2 weeks) andthen back here, where we had violation Chinese food. I say violation because we didn't get anything remotely resembling good for you food.
Today I did nothing, except a little cleaning, vacuuming, and grocery shopping. Such bliss to have nothing on the agenda, and no one to tend to, answer to, or anything. I watched a couple of movies, made a bite to eat, and just chilled. Now back to the grind. I wonder if anyone will play Ace High Moose with me tomorrow. :)


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