June 10
Well not much has gone on this week - aside from the fact that I've been working my ass off at work. I've received a "promotion" of sorts - and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity. Bascially we have a potential new client for whom we are doing "trial" calls. And the "powers that be" selected myself and two other co-workers (whom I adore) to be part of this trial. Very exciting! The requests themselves have been fairly simple, but the follow-up has been... intense. Lots of spotlight time, the calls are recorded, and I've never done this. So I'm nervous as hell, but excited all at the same time.
Had to reschedule Pally night with Kimmer and Di, which was a real bummer because we havent seen eachother in awhile, but it was, after all, just a dinner with my Pallys, not a birthday or anniversary.
Aunt Sally has finally been moved into a nursing home but of course there's been drama associated with that as well. First she refused to go, then my mom and uncle got temporary guardianship, then a judge decided she was no longer deemed and elder at risk because she was in a nursing home and she was served papers which she now had to sign appointing Mom and Unk her guardians. Getting her to agree to sign that will be like... getting a heavy metal band to wear ballet tutus.....like getting Hitler to be invited to a Seder.....name your own impossible challenge. Jesus, I stand a better chance of giving birth next week and I am without uterus.
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