Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Don't you just hate....

...when you are not at home and you realize that there is going to be a "bathroom emergency" and you just make it to the toilet, and let it all go only to realize A. there's no toilet paper B. someone walks in and hears the horrific sounds emanating from your ass C. There's no spray to remove the noxious fumes from the air D. All of the above
...when you are the only one who gets a joke thats really not funny to begin with and cant stop laughing?
....when you skip dinner and are looking forward to the leftovers you put in the fridge only to come home and find that your roommate has eaten them?
...when a one hit wonder song gets in your head and there's not a damn thing you can do to get rid of it?
....when you get dressed up for a big night out - do your hair, your nails, your makeup, your outfit and realize you have a stain right in the middle of your shirt that you did not see previously?
...when you lose some weight and people comment on how GREAT you look and you cannot help but think - "was I a heifer before?"
...when you dress up once for work and people all gush over how wonderful you look and you find yourself thinking "WTF, do I normally look like a wombat?"
...when you come in after a long day at work and click on the TV only to find your favorite movie is 5 minutes from the end?


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