Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Monday, June 20, 2005


I truly believe when someone cooks a wonderful dish, one that they enjoy making and that tastes good, they should be commended. To that end, there's Sharrie's hubby who in addition to mouthwatering BBQ makes the most wonderful Italian meatballs. I enjoy comparing recipes, and am known in my circle of friends for sweet and sour meatballs. Given that I like to brag about my favorite recipes, there's no reason why I should not compliment someone else on theirs. Shout it to the highest hills, even. Here are some compliments I bestowed recently. Feel free to share them with your favorite meatball chef.

Some balls are rather dry, I like my balls to be moist. Your balls are nice and moist.
I love when balls are sweet rather than salty.
Great flavor in those balls.
Wow, I love the sauce on your balls.
Your balls are juicy and meaty.
I love the way your balls feel in my mouth.
I can't wait to get my lips around your balls.
I like when balls have good spice.
I like to nibble on some really good balls.
I prefer my balls warm, not really cold or really hot.

Side note - my uncle is also known for making meatballs. But somehow saying, "God I can't wait to taste my uncle's balls" just seems so wrong? Dontcha think? Ya not so much.


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