Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Such a wonderful thing, air. We need it to breathe. But let's discuss the wind that moves, or breaks. I bring this up in the true spirit of humor. Everybody.Passes. Gas. My least favorite time of a relationship is when you cannot pass gas. At all. It's uncomfortable and quite frankly it's stupid. We all do it. So let's just admit it and move on. When someone says "Phew! Was that you?" Say yes. Hold your head up high. Old folks do not apologize for breaking wind. They just do it, and are unashamed. Now I am not saying to ignore a really smelly one. One came my way the other night - and not from me mind you - and it woke me out of a sound sleep. "The kind of fart that could end a marriage" in the words of George Carlin. Wow. Thank God for my Bath and Body Works addiction so I could spray. Which really doesn't help - just makes fruity minty or citrusy smelling gas. That's when you know it's love, when you can break wind in front of one another without A turning purple with embarassment B not apologizing and C having your fart rated on a 1-5 scale for sound quality, butt rippling capability, and similarity in tone to a popular song.
Like a really good fart, that felt good to let it all out. Thanks.


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