Many have said I should write a book. Or at least store these random thoughts somewhere. So here they are.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Very sad news.

I got a call from my mother this morning that my Aunt Sally had passed away during the night. Apparently it was very quick, and painless (I hope.) She was 94 years old, and certainly lived a full life. She was my grandmother's sister and had been in a nursing home in Needham. I've mentioned her in previous blog entries, and will probably post more about her - I told Mom I would do the eulogy. I have no idea when all this will happen, but probably next week. Right now I must confess I am feeling some guilt about not having gone down there more... I mean I did go down there and of late I'm the only person she would even talk to in the family, but I guess I'm feeling that I could have, and should have, done a little more. Not much I can do about that now, just "do her proud" in a nice eulogy. So think well of Aunt Sally... and I will post more later.


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