Random thoughts
Found this in another blog - and laughed out loud at work.
"I loooooves me some cb hash! Nuthin like staggerin into the local greasy spoon at 3 or 4 am after a night of hedonistic bacchian binges where the toothless lady with the red lipstick up to her nose asks what you want while she gums her chewing gum. “I’ll take the corned beef hash” I usually try to say without staring at her mole sprouting two thick hairs like daffodils on a fresh grave. They always come out steamin and crusty. Ever notice the weird sheen on them? Not a greasy sheen but sort of like melted plastic sheen. Hell yeahs, throw some fried tubers in bacon grease on the side and a couple eggs over easy on top and I’m the happiest sum bitch this side of the Big Dirty. Oh yeah, don’t forget my ketchup. "
God I love the internet. Always something interesting out there.
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