May 19
Well Here is is Thursday and I am so dead tired you would not believe it. Rob came and picked me up from work - and when I got outside he was wearing a Darth Vader mask and he had one for me. So we drove down 93 with the windows open playing the Star Wars theme at very loud decibels, both wearing our masks. Then we had to circle the cinema playing the theme - interspersed with recordings of Darth breathing. I am dating such a geek, but god I love him. Still wearing the mask, I entered the theater in Revere and walked up to the ticket taker whose head was down. How did I get her attention? "Hi reservations for 2, the name is Vader" When she looked up to give me the stock line that all 12:00 showings were sold out, she burst out laughing. I figured if Rob was Darth, I would call myself Ella. (Get it? Ella? Vader? ELEVATOR?) Ba ha ha I kill myself. Movie itself has really good - long 2 1/2 hours - but it explained alot and was quite entertaining. Got home at 3:00 AM, up at 8:30.
Went and had my hair done today - finally the grey is gone thank GOD It looks really fabulous. Not that I am one to turn down a compliment but several co workers have said - "Oh you had your hair done! It looks fabulous! You look great!" What did I look like before, crap?
Found out I am getting a rather nice bonus for the 1st quarter which was rather unexpected... I am psyched. Speaking of psyched, Rob claims he has quite a surprise for me this weekend... but will not elaborate. I wonder what is going on. I refuse to get my hopes up. Well I must go and do some ral work, will write more later.
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